
Posts Tagged ‘prayer’

Dear Lord,

We come together once again…the beginning of a new week and we thank you Lord for being here for us. Lord, there is so much uncertainty in the world..wars, the economy, trials…it can all be so overwhelming and it is so easy for all the cares and worries to over take us so we are filled with anxiety and fear…Lord, I pray for all those that are feeling anxious or fearful. You tell us over and over again in your word..”Fear Not” and “Be anxious for nothing”. Lord, I know it’s human to feel these things…and you know that feeling as well. You sweated drops of blood in Gethsemane, so you know what it is like to be anxious for what lies ahead. For those who have anxiety/panic disorders their fear and anxiety rarely leaves and no matter how much they pray it is always with them. So Lord I want to lift first the people with disorders that cause them to have anxiety, fear and stress no matter how much faith they have.I pray for healing for them Lord. i ask that you put your healing hand upon them and touch them so their brain chemistry alters…I brain that their brains would be healed so they might find relief. I pray and ask believing in the name of Jesus for miracles for them Lord. Father, for those whose fear and anxiety is situational, I ask that you would help their fear…Help them to cling to your word..put that peace that passes all understanding in their hearts. I ask Lord that you would bind the enemy from everyone so that he can have no control in any area, but especially this one. (more…)

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